This Small But Mighty Thing Could Be The Key To Your Fitness Success

Fitness journeys are typically characterized by determination, self-control and grit. I’m exhausted just typing that sentence. It’s no wonder we get caught in a cycle of inspiration, action, disillusionment, and abandonment whenever we embark on a fitness journey. If the intensity of being hard on yourself works for you, keep it up! But if you’re like me, you may be better off taking a kinder, softer approach to your fitness journey.

Enter: gratitude.

You’ve probably heard it a dozen times, but practicing gratitude during your fitness journey is make-or-break. When was the last time you went out of your way to do something nice for someone you don’t respect? Probably (hopefully) a long time ago. Or maybe even never! (can’t relate…) Your bran listens to you. If you aren’t practicing self-love, positive talk, and, most importantly, gratitude, you’ll be left feeling exhausted and crummy.

The Power of a Positive Mindset

Gratitude is about shifting focus from what we lack to appreciating what we have. In fitness, this means acknowledging our body's current capabilities rather than fixating on perceived shortcomings. When we start a workout with a sense of thankfulness for the ability to move, lift, and stretch, we cultivate a positive mindset. This positivity is contagious, seeping into every aspect of our fitness practice. It transforms grueling sessions into opportunities for growth, and challenging exercises become milestones of progress.

How to put this into practice:

  1. Next time you’re frustrated with your performance (i.e. giving up on an exercise before you’re supposed to), try remembering how much you’ve improved since your first started. Don’t compare yourself to the people around you, compare yourself to you. This is your fitness journey.

  2. Next time you’re exercising, notice your physical feelings and mental thoughts through out your workout. You don’t have to change them yet. Just notice when you’re exhausted and struggling, and notice when you’re feeling relieved and strong. Make sure to mentally scan your body, and feel into the positive moments as much as the difficult ones.

Overcoming Plateaus with Gratitude

Fitness journeys are rarely linear. Plateaus and setbacks are common, often leading to frustration and demotivation. Gratitude can be a powerful tool to navigate these hurdles. By being grateful for the progress made so far and the lessons learned from obstacles, we can maintain a growth mindset. This perspective encourages us to view plateaus not as failures, but as chances to reevaluate and pivot if necessary.

How to put this into practice:

  1. Next time you’re experiencing a plateau, reach out for help. You might benefit from a few personal training sessions to get you through a difficult phase.

  2. If you find yourself getting bored of the gym or frustrated with your progress, try mixing things up. Sign up for a different type of fitness class. Go to a trampoline park instead of the gym. Take a hot girl walk and call your friends. Sometimes all we need is some fresh energy and new experiences.

  3. If you don’t feel like working out… don’t! Sometimes our bodies tell us “no” for a reason. You don’t have to be in constant battle with your desires. That’s exhausting.

Improving Your Resilience

Studies have shown that a grateful mindset can reduce stress and promote a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. Lower stress levels contribute to better sleep and recovery, both crucial for physical performance and muscle growth. By respecting the journey and all its ups and downs, we are less likely to feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of our goals, thereby increasing our resilience and stamina.

How to put this into practice:

  1. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was curing your depression and achieving your fitness goals. You’re allowed to have on and off days, weeks, months and even years! Show yourself grace by appreciating how you’re still here and still trying. You’re doing amazing, sweetie.

Building a Supportive Community

Fitness is often a shared journey, and gratitude plays a key role in fostering a supportive community. Expressing gratitude towards trainers, workout buddies, or even ourselves fortifies relationships and builds a positive environment conducive to achieving fitness goals. In a community where appreciation is vocalized and encouragement flows freely, the fitness journey is more enjoyable and sustainable.

How to put this into practice:

  1. Saying self-deprecating things holds a mirror up to everyone around you. You may think putting yourself down will make others feel better, but voicing your perceived flaws and shortcomings might cause people to think about their own insecurities. Try letting those thoughts pass over you instead of giving them merit by vocalizing them. Building a positive community is as much about what you don’t say as what you do.

  2. If you cannot get a negative thought out of your head, try approaching it from a more positive perspective. For example, if you’re thinking “I’m so weak because I can’t finish this exercise,” try saying “I’m so excited for the day when this exercise doesn’t feel so difficult. And I’m so impressed that I’m actually taking the steps to get there. Look at me out here doing the damn thing. I’m a badass bitch. Go me.”


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