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Somato Hannah Fink Somato Hannah Fink

Why Runners Need Pilates

We love running, but the sport can lead to overuse injuries like tendonitis, runners knee, and shin splints to name a few. Luckily we can combat this by supplementing our runs with the preventative strength training and mobility exercises of Pilates.

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Somato Hannah Fink Somato Hannah Fink

Why Your Daily Workout Might Not Be Enough

You love Pilates and you’re great at maintaining your fitness routine. But your job is demanding and has you sitting at your desk all day. Studies show prolonged periods of sitting are robbing you of all the benefits of your hard-fought workouts!

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Somato Hannah Fink Somato Hannah Fink

How To Look 20 When You’re 80 (From A Distance)

The way we move through the world can communicate a lot about our health. Even from a far distance, fluid, confident movements are perceived as youthful. The older we get, the less motile we are. You may have noticed older people walking with a shuffling gait. Pilates can play a significant role in preventing or delaying the shuffling gait so you can look younger for longer (at least at a distance). Read more in our latest blog post, How To Look 20 When You’re 80.

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Somato Hannah Fink Somato Hannah Fink

Which is better, Pilates or Yoga?

Pilates and yoga are often lumped into the same category. However, they are distinctive practices with completely different origins and purposes. To understand which modality is right for you, let's take a deeper look into what they are.

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Somato Hannah Fink Somato Hannah Fink

Pilates Is The Best Thing For Lower Back Pain Since Ibuprofen

If you experience back pain, you’re in good company. It affects 60-80% of adults, and is so vast in its causes that doctors have designated the phenomenon “chronic nonspecific lower back pain,” or NSLBP. Enter Pilates, a mind-body workout that has gained popularity for its effectiveness in managing and preventing NSLBP. Pilates focuses on core strength, flexibility, and mindful movement, all of which are crucial for spinal health.

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Somato Hannah Fink Somato Hannah Fink

Pilates for your Period

Our menstrual cycles can affect how we feel on a weekly and even daily basis. If we understand our hormonal rhythms, we can better predict our energy levels and modify our fitness routines to match. See how you can tailor your workouts to compliment your menstrual cycle.

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Somato Hannah Fink Somato Hannah Fink

How To Supplement Your Pilates Gym Membership With Home Workouts

Many Pilates lovers struggle with the cost of Pilates. Classes are expensive, running anywhere from $20-40 per session. If you’re following the CDC recommended 3-5 workouts per week, you may be paying anywhere from $3,000-$10,000 per year for Pilates.

There’s no denying the benefit of an in-person instructor providing feedback and correcting your form. But if you want to maintain a consistent Pilates routine, it may be best to supplement your practice with home workouts. Somato offers a compact home Pilates reformer along with classes so you can do more of your favorite exercise without breaking the bank.

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Somato Hannah Fink Somato Hannah Fink

How to make the most of your ski vacation

We’ve all been on that ski vacation where we paid for multiple days of skiing but have to bow out early due to soreness. While Pilates can’t fix your excruciating boots, it can help prepare your muscles for the rigors of downhill skiing. Don’t let yourself miss out on all the fun this time around.

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Somato Hannah Fink Somato Hannah Fink

How to Stick With Your New Year's Fitness Goals

Is one of your New Year's resolutions about working out? Good for you! You’ve chosen one of the most challenging resolutions to maintain, especially if exercise wasn’t a part of your life before. We’ve got a trick that will guarantee you’ll follow through this year to make a lasting change in your life.

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